Hyper-automation: What is it and what are the benefits for your company?

Hyper-automation: What is it and what are the benefits for your company?

By 2024, hyper-automation and optimized processes will have enabled organizations to reduce operating costs by 30%. But what exactly does hyper-automation mean and how can it benefit companies?

Hyper-automation is a combination of approaches, processes and techniques that uses advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA). These technologies identify and automate manual work to increase efficiency and improve operational agility. It involves connecting as many processes within an organization as possible using end-to-end automation.

What is the difference between automation and hyper-automation?

Automation can be applied to independent processes, while hyper-automation connects and optimizes all those processes into a comprehensive solution and keeps data “alive.”

For example, suppose we print a document to mark it or stamp it. The moment you do this, you "lose" the data: it has left one digital workflow and entered another physical workflow. This means the data is no longer “live” or up to date, and increases the risk of delays, inefficiencies, or human error. Reintroducing this data into the original digital workflow will involve using a manual process, such as scanning it back into the online system. Hyper-automation prevents these types of situations through connected solutions that re-enter data. automáticamente. Cuanto más eficaz sea este proceso y menos datos se pierdan, más se beneficiará una organización.

What are the business advantages of hyper-automation?

Hyper-automation and data maintenance have many business benefits. For example, a very important factor to consider is data visibility and insight. Hyper-automation creates accountability and a time-stamped chain. This improves compliance and provides a real-time view of enterprise-wide performance.

Hyper-automation also allows you to integrate applications and bypass disconnected legacy systems, make faster and more informed decisions, and reallocate resources to higher-value tasks. On an organization-wide scale, this helps increase innovative thinking and break down internal silos.

Are there benefits for customers?

The advantages of hyper-self-management are transferred to your clients since they will be able to offer a faster and more effective service, at a lower cost. This will increase confidence thanks to the security and continuity that the company can offer.

Is hyper-automation difficult to achieve?

You may be wondering: will it be expensive, time-consuming, or disruptive to introduce hyper-automation into my business?

By partnering with a service expert with specialized integration knowledge, you can evaluate areas of automation, connection, outsourcing, and improvement quickly and efficiently.

There is great potential for hyper-automation for all sectors. Those who take the first steps now will create a platform for significant future success.

Learn more here: https://www.ricoh-americalatina.com/en/solutions/ricoh-process-automation

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