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Your industry is competitive. That’s why we work with a variety of suppliers, partners and alliances to address your problems and provide the solutions you need.
"Robotización" de las instituciones del sector salud para aumentar su competitividad

"Robotization" of health sector institutions to increase competitiveness

Ricoh Latin America announces the availability of the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution for healthcare companies. This technology is based on the implementation of software robots to streamline routine processes such as clinical and historical patient records and provider record processing in order to provide optimized patient care.

Adopción de IA en las empresas: ¿cuáles son los retos y cómo superarlos?

AI adoption in business: what are the challenges and how to overcome them?

Ricoh Latin America presentamos cinco barreras de adopción de IA y cómo las empresas pueden superarlas de cara al 2020

Aplicar el Smart Working en tu compañía de forma efectiva

Applying Smart Working effectively in your company

New technologies have revolutionized the work environment. Not only are we witnessing the emergence of new professions, but we are transforming existing ones. Work has moved beyond the boundaries of the traditional office.

Business Partnership between Ricoh and Toshiba Tec

Business Partnership between Ricoh and Toshiba Tec

Business Partnership between Ricoh and Toshiba Tec by necessary procedures such as Simplified Absorption-type Company Split