How to be safe without impacting productivity?
The more the digital world evolves, the more concerns focus on how to implement a security ecosystem around sensitive information held in the databases of companies and even public bodies.
RICOH Mexicana
The more the digital world evolves, the more concerns are focused on implementing a security ecosystem around the sensitive information contained in the databases of companies and even public bodies. The explosion of technologies such as Cloud and Big Data, present focuses of attention on the sensitive information of people and companies, and this, is reflected in the growing trend of investment in information security and the development of specific roles such as CSO - Chief Security Officer.
The concept of Information Security not only covers digital information but also includes data handled in other media such as paper documents. Today, the flow of paper-based information continues to be of paramount importance in a company.
Information security management must include information in paper-based documents, which is as or more important than information in digital format. Deepening the management of information security on paper-based documents should be a real concern. As a reference, only 38% of the companies have a guide to employees on the storage and destruction of paper documents.
However, the best strategy that can be implemented is to transform these paper documents into digital documents. By doing so, this information is incorporated into the digital information security ecosystem, which is where the information security efforts of a modern company are naturally focused.
For a correct transformation of paper documents into digital documents, it must be taken into account that digital documents are part of business processes, where the paper document is often the center of the process.
But what are the benefits of the digital document?
Transforming paper documents into digital documents will be possible to provide them with more advanced security features, therefore, companies will bring additional benefits to the business, for example:
Improves accessibility by allowing access to information from anywhere, simultaneously, complying with the appropriate security measures.
Increases security, since the digital copy is backed up, making it difficult for the document to be lost. If the document has sensitive information, it is possible to incorporate greater security measures, something impossible in paper documents.
It saves time and space since access to the information will be easier, it will not be necessary to travel to get the necessary information and the physical space required to store a paper document is eliminated.
It provides agility in daily management, allowing better response times with customers, improving their satisfaction, reducing time in searching and storing information, and allowing people to focus on activities that add value.
How does Ricoh help companies in this transformation?
At Ricoh, we are world leaders in business transformation through information management. By analyzing key business processes where documents are involved and converting business transactions into efficient and profitable workflows. Through our Document Solutions portfolio, we contribute to making lasting improvements to document processing, making operations more efficient, and increasing revenue and growth.
Thanks to the digitization of documents and the security that comes with it, employees can now be just as productive, even thousands of miles away from their offices. Any business needs to remain competitive in the digital world, making its operations more efficient to increase revenue and growth.
That's why at Ricoh we continually transform the way people work, through technology, mobilizing the information that moves both people and organizations. The world runs on information and the way people work with it is constantly changing.
To learn more, write to us at rimexcontacto@ricoh-la.com.