Tap into customized convenience
Use the intuitive touchscreen to simplify everyday tasks.
Experience an easier way to work
With the same gestures you use on your smartphone or tablet, you can find important information and move between jobs and tasks quickly and conveniently from the Smart Operation Panel. Access settings via intuitive navigation. Preview and configure detailed layout options to simplify document creation. Choose from multiple user interfaces and customize the look and layout to meet your preferences. You can even add your company branding.
Get smart support on your MFP
Work is always moving, and you need to keep your device up and running with minimal interruption to optimize your time. With RemoteConnect Support, our service consultants can access your multifunction printer (MFP) remotely to help resolve issues in real time so you can stay focused and productive.
Download time-saving apps
Select easy-to-use apps from our convenient RICOH Application Site to automate many of your most time-consuming workflows and tasks. Place them on the Home Screen as easily identifiable one-touch shortcuts. With a single tap, you can add specific features and single-function capabilities to simplify how you copy, print, scan and fax with less hassle and fewer delays.
Enhance your productivity with apps such as:
Shared Folder Print
Grab PDF, Compact PDF and JPEG files from a shared folder in Windows® OS instantly from the MFP for easy and quick printing. Use the large display on the Smart Operation Panel to preview and check print status for accuracy prior to printing.
RICOH How-to-videos
Access an extensive library of self-help videos directly from the Smart Operation Panel. The easy-to-follow tutorials guide you through basic MFP operations, troubleshooting, customizable controls and more to help you boost productivity.
Ready to take a swipe at a faster, new way to work?
Browse our new line of MFPs with Smart Operation Panel, which enhances your productivity, mobility and environmental commitment.