Ricoh Print Management Cloud, the new cloud-based print management solution for new work styles

Ricoh Print Management Cloud, the new cloud-based print management solution for new work styles

Weston, November 6th 2023 – As hybrid working becomes more widespread, cloud printing is essential to guarantee secure communication of information, reduce costs and maintain employee productivity, regardless of where they work. In this context, Ricoh Latin America today announced Ricoh Print Management Cloud, a native Software as a Service (SaaS) print management solution that allows organizations to migrate, optimize and manage their print infrastructure in the cloud to support today's hybrid workforce. In this way, location-detecting printers can be set up, allowing employees to access the printer securely and easily.

This solution has been developed for companies that want to simplify and reduce the management of their print infrastructure, as it eliminates complex dedicated print management IT systems such as servers. This improves the user experience and quickly incorporates cloud technologies with advanced secure printing features.

“Managing printing from different locations can be frustrating for both companies' IT professionals and employees. With this solution it is possible to configure printers that detect location, which allows users to access them securely and without problems, regardless of the network and where they are," explains Estefanía Guillén, Senior Product Manager Strategy at Ricoh Latin America.

The solution offers the following advantages for the business:

  • Vendor independence, can work with multifunction printers of various brands.
  • Serverless printing, reduces the IT burden, eliminates dependency on print servers, enables centralized management and eliminates common IT helpdesk pain points.
  • A single print driver that allows everyone to print from any device, which improves employee productivity while reducing maintenance and support tasks.
  • A solution hosted anywhere, installed as a local private cloud.
  • It automates administrative tasks, is easy to implement and allows control of the entire printing infrastructure from a single web-based interface.
  • Best-in-class security, developed for "Zero Trust" cybersecurity requirements.
  • Frequent updates.

Ricoh Print Management Cloud solution adapts to any organization that wants to offer its work teams a hassle-free printing experience that is also compatible with the most ambitious cloud strategies. This with the confidence of a solution that offers the flexibility to adapt to your current and future business needs.

Acerca de Ricoh

Ricoh es un fabricante líder de servicios digitales integrados y soluciones de impresión diseñadas para apoyar la transformación digital de los lugares y espacios de trabajo para optimizar el rendimiento empresarial. Con sede en Tokio, las operaciones globales de Ricoh llegan a clientes de aproximadamente 200 países y regiones, con el impulso de conocimientos, tecnologías y capacidades organizativas cultivadas a lo largo de sus 85 años de historia. En el ejercicio financiero finalizado en marzo de 2024, el Grupo Ricoh obtuvo unas ventas mundiales de 2,348 billones de yenes (aproximadamente 15,5 billones de USD). La misión y la visión de Ricoh consisten en capacitar a las personas para que encuentren la realización a través del trabajo, comprendiendo y transformando la forma de trabajar de las personas para que podamos liberar su potencial y creatividad, y hacer realidad un futuro sostenible.

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Creado el 02 November 2023 - Modificado el 02 November 2023

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