Case Study: SENA Colombia

By María Alejandra Díaz, Ricoh Colombia

History and context

SENA, Colombia, was created in 1957 as an entity of the Colombian government with the purpose of offering education and professional training to contribute to the economic and social development of the country.

SENA provides a wide range of training programs, from short courses to technical and technological programs. Its educational offering covers various economic sectors, including agriculture, technology, industry, services and more. The institution strives to adapt its programs to the needs of the labor market, collaborating closely with industry and the business sector.

Over the years, SENA has implemented various training methodologies, including in-person, virtual and mixed modality, seeking to take advantage of information and communication technologies to reach a broader and more diverse audience.

Business Challenge

The main challenge that the educational institution faced was the need to do remote training and facilitate the interaction between students and teachers between the different regions of the country in an easy and effective way, supporting the objective of eliminating the technological gap in the sector. In addition to materializing the digital transformation by creating 4.0 learning environments.

Ricoh solution

Through Ricoh's proven experience as a provider of digital services in the Latin American education sector, hybrid learning environments (in-person and remote) are implemented with high technology that allows the best quality in communications and connectivity, facilitating virtual classes with Ricoh's comprehensive collaboration and videoconferencing solutions and other technologies from our strategic business allies.


  • Reduction of the digital divide in the educational sector by providing access to distance education in different remote areas of the country where physical presence in classes is limited.
  • Greater access to educational resources from any location.
  • The expected effective collaboration between students and teachers was achieved by facilitating interaction with the latest video conferencing and collaboration technology.
  • Greater access for teachers to teach classes at different times and for different groups.

“This will inspire several universities and higher education institutions in Colombia that have shown interest in replicating this type of solutions so that their students can access these technologies and facilities for remote learning and that benefit our sector so much.”.

Rodolfo Martínez – Deputy Director of the SENA Design and Metrology Center

Ricoh's videoconferencing and collaboration solutions and services have become a fundamental element in eliminating the technological gap in education in Colombia, opening the doors for more people with limited participation in face-to-face classes to access education remotely.

This strategy not only solved the initial technological challenge but also positioned the educational institution as a leader in the adoption of innovative technologies to enhance communication and collaboration, with the sole purpose of preparing its students and teachers for a world of constant change.

For more information about our education collaboration services visit Ricoh Immersive Education.

Ricoh Latin America and SENA Colombia acting together in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for a better future:

Ricoh is a global company committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by solving social problems through business with the sole purpose of achieving economic growth, a better planet and a better society.

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