Let's talk about some trends in digital transformation that we will see in 2024

Let's talk about some trends in digital transformation that we will see in 2024

By Diego Imperio / President & Chief Executive Officer, Ricoh Latin America, Inc.

The new year begins, and many of us wonder if it will be the same trends that we saw in recent months that will shape the markets and guide some of our strategic decisions.

Although, we never know for sure what may happen; What we can do is analyze what has been happening to predict the playing field in which we will operate in the technology sector. What I am going to share today, we have analyzed at Ricoh from what we have seen in our business, is the result of consultations and research with our consultants, business partners and experts.

1. The Evolution of Device Management or what we know in the sector as Device as a Service continues.

The mass adoption of the DaaS model will change the way organizations manage their technological assets. Instead of investing in purchasing devices, companies will continue to opt for subscriptions offering access to updated hardware and associated services. This approach not only reduces upfront costs and ensures ongoing service support, but also simplifies ongoing device management and upgrades, providing greater flexibility to businesses.

2. The Era of Total Connectivity through communication solutions, or what at Ricoh we understand as “Communication Services”

Connectivity will be the heartbeat of the digital ecosystem in 2024. The evolution of communication services will range from improving transmission speed to the seamless integration of various platforms. Emerging technologies such as 6G will deliver ultra-fast connection speeds and lower latency, facilitating mass adoption of data-intensive applications such as augmented reality and artificial intelligence. Unified communications and real-time collaboration will become the standard, allowing distributed teams to work efficiently and always be connected. Artificial intelligence applied to communication services will personalize interactions, improving the user experience and providing faster and contextually relevant responses.

3. Artificial Intelligence in Edge Computing

Faster processing, smarter decisions. The integration of Artificial Intelligence with Edge Computing will allow faster data processing, and decision-making in real time. This will drive significant advances in industrial automation, autonomous vehicles, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The ability to process data close to its source will increase efficiency and reduce reliance on the cloud for critical tasks.

4. Managed Printing as a Service (MPS)

The adoption of managed print-as-a-service solutions will continue to grow. MPS not only involves efficient management of printing devices, but also encompasses optimization of workflows, document security and proactive monitoring to minimize downtime.

5. Sustainable Printing

Companies are becoming more aware of their environmental impact, and this is reflected in sustainable printing solutions such as technologies that allow double-sided printing, the use of recycled paper, and the reduction of energy consumption, among others. One of the key questions in this field is, for example, how is the environmental impact of a product quantified in terms of carbon dioxide emissions? And this applies to the entire product life cycle, packaging from raw materials, sourcing, and production, to transportation, use, maintenance, disposal, and recycling.

At Ricoh Latin America we are prepared to support others in this playing field in which companies that can optimize their operations with the help of technology are winning the game. By doing this, they assign repetitive and tedious tasks to technology, streamline their processes, and unleash people's true potential.

Let's go for a 2024 in which we all win on the field!

Reference sources:

• Tech Trends 2024 | Deloitte: https://www2.deloitte.com/xe/en/insights/focus/tech-trends.html/#introduction

• Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024: https://www.gartner.es/es/articulos/las-10-principales-tendencias-tecnologicas-estrategicas-de-gartner-para-2024

• IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Services 2024 Predictions: https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US51284223

• Smithers forecasts the global printing market to reach $874 billion in 2024: https://www.smithers.com/resources/2020/feb/smithers-forecasts-the-global-printing-market

• Print Industry Trends, 2024:


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